Okie, right after Fluffy's post, I figured out that I ought to talk bout my new life (my new 24 hours) in Perth. Then again, before that should be posted, I guess my CNY 2011 post should be cleared first.
真的很久没用华语Blog 了。再来现在身在澳洲又没什么华文书我的话语就只能靠天天讲来维持水准。
忙归忙,到了除夕那晚一切都是值得的!! xD
今年除夕在 Golden Claypot 解决,菜肴还算不错了,就可惜千篇一律地实在是很闲...
虽然奶奶是非常有点偏心有时候还是会疼她一下,不过只要一看到她的姐姐就会把她丢到后脑去忘到一干二净... 反之爷爷就好象没这么偏心... 据说这小瓜跟爷爷非常要好,大概是因为她比较乖巧...
大伯伯,大伯母和我的 honey~ xD
第三代女生(少了我们的 Double-F 大堂姐...)
除了装可爱,在相机前面摆出各种意想不到的 pose 是她最可爱的地方!!
嗯,除夕后就使那万年不变的步骤,拜祖先,拜观音,拜天公,拜土地公,接财神,等待十二点的到来,然后到出讨红包!!! =D
不觉得她看起来很像 Despicable Me 里的 Agnes 么? xD
初三晚上就到外婆家去坐坐,哪知我那笨到不知要怎么形容的妹妹没通知我妈就跟我弟一起去玩烟花。把烟花拿在右手上点火点到手给炸还不要紧,这大傻瓜还在烟花跌在地上后取用脚踩灭它... 笨也要有个限度啊,害得我们要匆匆忙忙地带着一个手给炸黑的白痴找医生... 总算没炸出什么大事来,只许吃点药,搽些药膏就好了... =______=
On the 8th of Feb, we went on a house-visiting marathon, starting from Jhe Yee's house to Eloise's house then my house and finally ending the trip with Chelsia's house. Finally had the chance to learn MahJong and some other card games... lol My family doesn't have the tradition of gambling...
While the house-visiting journey ended around 6pm, I had dinner party at Mr. Pay's house!
Peanut and the gang!!
The Roast chicken and Mash Potato were delightfully lip-smacking, too bad I didn't have enough empty storage for other food!!
Group Photo on Mr. Pay's pillow covered bed!!
At last, CNY post is done... Phew...
Even though CNY still had a long way to go, I just sort of have to put it aside and make way for my new life at Perth, so even though CNY was still going on, I was just too busy settling down in my new place...
Coming up next, Perth!!
真的很久没用华语Blog 了。再来现在身在澳洲又没什么华文书我的话语就只能靠天天讲来维持水准。
忙归忙,到了除夕那晚一切都是值得的!! xD
今年除夕在 Golden Claypot 解决,菜肴还算不错了,就可惜千篇一律地实在是很闲...
嗯,除夕后就使那万年不变的步骤,拜祖先,拜观音,拜天公,拜土地公,接财神,等待十二点的到来,然后到出讨红包!!! =D
初三晚上就到外婆家去坐坐,哪知我那笨到不知要怎么形容的妹妹没通知我妈就跟我弟一起去玩烟花。把烟花拿在右手上点火点到手给炸还不要紧,这大傻瓜还在烟花跌在地上后取用脚踩灭它... 笨也要有个限度啊,害得我们要匆匆忙忙地带着一个手给炸黑的白痴找医生... 总算没炸出什么大事来,只许吃点药,搽些药膏就好了... =______=
On the 8th of Feb, we went on a house-visiting marathon, starting from Jhe Yee's house to Eloise's house then my house and finally ending the trip with Chelsia's house. Finally had the chance to learn MahJong and some other card games... lol My family doesn't have the tradition of gambling...
While the house-visiting journey ended around 6pm, I had dinner party at Mr. Pay's house!
The Roast chicken and Mash Potato were delightfully lip-smacking, too bad I didn't have enough empty storage for other food!!
At last, CNY post is done... Phew...
Even though CNY still had a long way to go, I just sort of have to put it aside and make way for my new life at Perth, so even though CNY was still going on, I was just too busy settling down in my new place...
Coming up next, Perth!!
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