Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Existence of Music is a Bliss

This song rawks!! Love it~~~ Especially the 'Nii-san' part~~~~ *fangirling over it* The lyrics' so nice arrr!! *melts* Rollo!!!!

Curse you Screamyx... I can't upload those songs to Imeem!!! Urrrgggghhh!! Cleste's Bday's coming... Need to prepare present... *insert evil grin and sinister laugh* Someone's gonna feel the chill...

I can live all alone
Without feeling a thing, or so I thought
I received all of the kindness there was
Until I learned of suffering

The arabesque of destiny
Light was shone into the darkness
And I was saved

Because I'll protect you this time
Because when it comes to the meaning of living, it's here
The person who gave me the heart known as 'happiness'-
"Nii-san...!" ---> LOVE!

When it's sad, when it's lonely
I'm here, so close to you
So show me, let your gaze
Only turn to me

An intertwining arabesque
I'm not lost; I found my place
It's to be by your side instead of anyone else doing so

I'll fight, throwing away my life
If my precious person hurts me
I can overcome it, if our bond exists beyond this

Because I'll protect you this time
Because when it comes to the meaning of living, it's here
The person who gave me the heart known as 'happiness'-
I'll fight, throwing away my life
If my precious person hurts me
I can overcome it, if our bond exists beyond this

一人きりで何も感じず 生きてゆける そう思ってた
ありったけの優しさもらい 切なさ知るまでは
運命のアラベスク 暗闇に光差し込まれて 僕は救い出された
守るから 今度は僕が 生きる意味なら ここにあるから

悲しい時 さびしい時も 僕はいるよ すぐ近くで
だから見せて その眼差しを 僕だけを見つめて
絡み会うアラベスク 迷わない 見つけた 僕の場所 誰よりも傍にいる
戦うよ 命を投げて 大切な人 傷つけるなら

守るから 今度は僕が 生きる意味なら ここにあるから
戦うよ 命を投げて 大切な人 傷つけるなら

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